Invisalign FAQs

Maybe you’re like me and went through the whole braces ordeal as a kid. And you were super responsible about wearing your retainer…..for a while. But then you missed some days. Then a few more. And soon enough that sucker was not going back in your mouth no matter how much you tried. So then you find yourself in adulthood with teeth that once again need some help. Insert…adult braces. For me specifically, it’s Invisalign.

Let’s back track a bit. I have been self conscious about my teeth for as long as I can remember. The memory of a boy named Bill comparing my teeth to a beaver in 3rd grade is solidly implanted in my mind (and I am now the mom of a third grader which gives me all kinds of feelings). I had an overbite that was pretty legit. In 6th grade I had 2 adult teeth pulled to give my mouth space to move my teeth into the right position. 3 years with braces gave me an improved smile. But I also know my orthodontist said the only way I’d have “perfect” teeth is with jaw surgery, which was not something I was interested in (break my jaw to get it in a different position? no thanks). An overexposure to fluoride treatment sometime in the period of braces also left me with fluorosis on my front tooth (basically a strange spot/stain). All that to stay, I’ve got some insecurities when it comes to my teeth. I went years without seeing a dentist and had a lot of insecurity when it came to stepping back into a dentist’s office. But when it was finally time, I knew I wanted to deal with my teeth once and for all. So I got a couple of cavities sorted out and made an appointment with the orthodontist.

After a consult, we decided Invisalign was the best option for what my teeth needed. I was open to traditional braces, but I was glad Invisalign was what she recommended for me (I spent 3 years with wires in my mouth, remember? I wasn’t excited to do that again haha). A few weeks ago y’all sent me some questions you had about the process, so I’ll try to cover the most common questions here!

What was the initial process like?
For my particular orthodontist, I had to do the physical molds of my teeth. It is mildly uncomfortable but doesn’t take too long. I know some offices have the wands that scan your teeth, so that would definitely make it much easier! After I did my molds, it was bout 4-6 weeks before the trays came in (I had a longer wait due to Covid)

How long will you have them for?
This will also vary depending on what your teeth need. I’m looking at around 18-20 months with mine.

How do they work day-to-day?
The trays need to be taken out anytime you eat and if you are drinking something besides water. You have to brush your teeth after your meals and before putting them back in, and clean the trays before you put them back in. I am loving my Burst toothbrush for cleaning. I know it’s thoroughly cleaning my teeth to help prevent me from getting cavities with the trays sitting in my mouth (you can go watch my IGTV video explaining how it works and why I love it. And you can use the code YKUPO6 to get a significant discount on top of any discounts the site is showing). I keep a spare regular toothbrush and some free & clear dish soap next to my sink to clean the trays. I also move up to the next trays once a week!


Do they alter your speaking voice?
Not really. And it’s gotten better as I’ve adjusted to having them in my mouth. The first week my mouth felt weird (and was super sore). But it’s a lot better now and I don’t notice it changing my speech. I was anticipated having a serious lisp, but that wasn’t at all the case!

What’s the cost??
This was the most common question (not surprisingly). And I know cost is a big reason people opt not to get braces. My total cost is right around $6000, spread out over 24 months. I had to put an initial payment down of a few hundred dollars, and then split the rest over 24 months. I am paying about $230 per month for now. We have an HSA account that we contribute to monthly, so that is what I’m using to cover the cost, which definitely makes it a lot easier on us financially. The cost of traditional braces was not significantly less than Invisalign.

I’m only about 9 weeks into having mine, but I have zero regrets in my decision and I’m excited about the final outcome. And yes, I will be wearing my retainer when I’m done!! Have any other questions? Drop ‘em in the comment section or shoot me an email.