“A More Beautiful Life”

Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimized by a self help book! 🙋🏻‍♀️🤣

Typically anything to do with goal setting makes me feel overwhelmed and inadequate, so I just steer clear. I’ve been there, done that. I’ve been to the conferences, I’ve bought the planners, and it’s helped me zero percent 🤣

So I’m so happy to get my hands on a book that is actually helpful and not stressful for me.

“A More Beautiful Life” by Whitney English is a brand new book that diverts from the traditional goal planning method, not tracking and measuring everything to death, but instead meeting you right where you are (praise!!).

In the book, Whitney shares HEART Goals–a system that starts with what matters most to YOU, never forcing you to adopt arbitrary goals and rules. That’s where a lot of traditional self help/goal setting books fall short. Because in this season of raising young kids, “goals” may be forced to constantly change. And if we are so focused on the goals we miss out on the good in front of us. The focus of this book is not on long term objectives, but instead it focuses on current needs. And Whitney reminds us that “our focus should be on our lives, not our goals.” AMEN to that!

If this sounds like something that would be helpful to you too, you can grab a copy on Amazon here!
