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A Day In The Life

Happy Tuesday! I can't believe it's less than a week until Christmas. That feels crazy to even write down. Especially since I have wrapped approximately zero presents and I still have a few things left to buy. So this coming weekend should be super fun, right? eeeeeeek.

Today I'm sharing a day in my life with you! I love other bloggers' posts like this. For some reason it's so fun to see what other people do in their normal lives. Hopefully I'm not the only one who is nosy likes these posts, ha! So without further ado, here's my Monday!

I started out on a high note by snoozing through my 6:00 AM alarm. Gibson woke up a few times crying during the night so when 6 AM rolled around, I said "nah". Luckily I set a second alarm for 6:45. That gives me 15 minutes before I need to wake Evan and Porter up. I recently heard about the three minute morning from Hello Mornings, which is basically taking the time to talk to Jesus right when you wake up, inviting him into your day, looking over your schedule and to-do list for the day, then drinking a glass of water. It gets my day started on the right foot and legit only takes 3 minutes. Next up, coffee.

Then it was time to wake the big kids up. Oatmeal is our breakfast go-to. The boys sit and countdown with the timer every morning and press the button together. Ahh, traditions.

While they ate breakfast, I made lunches.

Gibson is normally up by this time, but he was still sleeping since he's sick. So I started taking a crack at my cleaning list for the day (I have a weekly schedule I try to stick too, but it doesn't always happen). On the list for Monday is clean the couches. I cleaned out from under them, too, and found ALL THE THINGS. Including half of our bowls that I've been missing.

Evan has to catch the bus at 7:40, so after some "sweet" hugs from his brother, he was out the door.

I finally went and woke Gibson up a little after 8:00. Poor buddy was feeling bad and running fever, which made him extra snuggly when he woke up.

And of course the morning wouldn't be complete without a meltdown from Porter. I can't even remember what this one was about.

I grabbed a few more sips of coffee before we headed out the door to take Porter to school. Typical morning view, right mamas?

This is how we hang in carpool. Passenger seat, digging through the glove compartment.

I got back home and set my diaper bag on the counter and managed to knock over the coffee I was saving and planning on reheating. So depressing. And the pot was empty. MONDAY, amiright?

Gibson was already wanting to go down for a nap, so I got him in bed, fixed my breakfast (a delicious green smoothie), and got to work on painting. I am finishing up my last two Christmas commissions.

While waiting for a layer of paint to dry, I got to work on some other chores. Are anyone else's floors constantly covered in dirt and some sort of food crumbs?! It's never ending.

Speaking of never-ending...laundry. So much laundry. I line the boys up on the back of the couches for them to put away when they get home. If only someone would put mine away, we'd be in business!

Poor sick baby was still sleeping so I headed back to the office for a little bit more painting.

Then it was time to venture out into public (carpool doesn't count as public, right?). Dry shampoo for the win. Also please don't judge me for how filthy my bathroom mirror is.

Lunch on the go. Mom life. I headed out the door with a sandwich in hand for my 1:00 Physical Therapy appointment.

If you're following me on Instagram, you may have heard me talk about how I'm doing some postpartum physical therapy to help strengthen my core and pelvic floor. Today was a follow up pelvic floor exam, which is just as awesome as you're guessing it is. Hence the infamous white sheet.

Good news: I got discharged from PT! I'm thankful for the improvement and strength gained, but I'll miss hanging out with my therapist. She's a fellow mama and I had fun chatting with her each time I went. I left the therapy office and headed straight to pick Porter up from school. I love getting to be alone in the van! I used my drive time to catch up on some podcast episodes. Today was The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey. I heard her interview with Tricia Goyer today. So good!!

We swung by CVS on the way home to pick up some baby wipes. And of course some candy. So many choices. Porter is basically me every time I'm trying to decide which candy to get.

We made it home, and Porter shockingly went to go play by himself (this is a rare occurrence).

Gibson was back down for another nap, so I (surprise) went back to painting!

About 5 minutes in, Porter was done with that independent nonsense and wanted a snack. So I decided to get a little bit of a workout in while he was occupied with snacks and TV. Of course he wanted to join me. How can I say no to this cuteness?!

4:00 rolled around, which means that it was time for Evan to come home! They really do miss each other. Praying they stay buddies always.

Rainy Mondays the week before Christmas = ice cream and Christmas cartoons.

Daddy came home a little while later, and because I married the greatest man ever, he cooked dinner!

Good thing, because this baby boy wanted to be held by his mama.

Evan got his homework done (Kindergarten homework = reading) while his brothers played and Dad cooked.

Then we miraculously managed to all sit at the table together for dinner. Usually we are all eating in shifts because 5-7 PM is kind of a sh*t show around here. 3 kids, right?

This dude was ready for bed after dinner. We headed to his room with a bottle (slowly weaning him from nursing over these next few weeks). Look at those sweet little sick eyes. My poor bud.

I was loving snuggling up with him. But then he started coughing and spit up all over me. Yay motherhood.

He was totally unphased, and went down to bed like a champ. Right hand fingers go in his mouth, left hand plays with the bumper ribbon. Every. single. time. So dang cute.

Jonathan got the big kids ready for bed, and then we sat down to read. We are doing the Advent readings from The Jesus Storybook Bible (our fav!). The Old Testament stories = Evan asking us so many questions that are sometimes hard to answer. Still trying to navigate the balance between honest answers and preserving his innocence about good and bad in the world. Any advice on this would be appreciated haha.

Jonathan is the best dad. He tucks them in as something silly every night, and tells the greatest bedtime stories. I love my dudes so much!!

As soon as the kids are in bed we like to do a quick house clean up. Our amazing robotic vacuum (lovingly named Kevin) makes this 100 times easier. And yes, the floors already needed to be cleaned up again.

I headed to do one last round of painting for the night, and Jonathan headed to the garage to do some wood working. We are both wrapping up Christmas orders. The end is in sight! (also, sorry I'm not showing you the actual paintings...I don't want to spoil a Christmas gift for anyone!).

A night in December wouldn't be complete without hot chocolate. It pairs perfectly with my Christmas tee from Sweet Baton Rouge.

I sat down on the couch with my HC, a cheesy Christmas movie (A Holiday Engagement), and my laptop to get some photo prints ordered and write this post (whooaaa. So meta).

And then this mama was ready for bed. 

And that's a wrap on my Monday.

Thanks for sticking with me. I know my life isn't crazy exciting, but it's always fun to peak into someone's day! What does a normal day look like for you??! Let me know in the comments!